
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Purchase Review: Elston Howard Game Used Jersey

Right now I don't have any real collecting goals. There are a few insert sets I'm trying to collect, as well as keeping up with my TTMs and my project. Since my want list is minimal, I'll always ask for Yankee cards in a trade. Love getting them. Lately while surfing eBay, I've been gravitating toward Yankee relics and vintage Yankee cards. My newest acquisition is a bit of both.

Four a couple bucks, I picked up this 2005 Donruss Greats Elston Howard Clippings jersey card. I love getting older Yankee relics. This jersey was worn in the '50s or '60s! Cool, right? It's road gray, and it's a pretty dark gray. The picture isn't great - it's darker than it looks. I'll have to compare it to the current road jerseys, but I think it's quite a bit darker. It's not quite as cool as the cream-colored home jerseys, like the Mize I have, but it's a great swatch of a Yankee great.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same card. It's a very cool card to own, especially since, aside from 2 Topps cards, I'm lacking in Howard in the Yankee PC.

    Congrats on the solid pick up.
