
Monday, April 4, 2011

Trade Review: Potch Wheeler

After posting about my disappointing Heritage blaster, Darren from Potch Wheeler and the Cardboard Heroes sent me an email claiming a few of the cards. We're both fairly new kids on the blog block, so it was fun to make a trade with a newbie like myself. Darren sent me a few 2011 Heritage Yanks. I don't know how they do it, but Topps picks the worst photos of the Yanks. 2009 Cano looked like he was high, and this year's Swisher isn't his most flattering shot. Cano's is better this year, but still looks a little funny.

I was also excited to get some 2010 Topps I didn't have, especially the Jerry Hairston and Austin Kearns. I love getting Yankee cards of guys that only spent a short time in the Bronx. I liked both of these guys a lot. I'll more than likely use these cards for TTM.

Darren, thanks for the Yanks!

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