
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

TTM Success: Art Ditmar

Yesterday when I got home from work, I had a SASE post marked from Columbia, SC. I figured it was something from one of the Charleston Riverdog players I sent to. Much to my surprise, it was a success on a 1960 Topps from Art Ditmar!

I actually really needed this for my Topps Yankees Project. I have a 1960 Gil McDougald, but I had to move around a few years after I got my 1951 Jerry Coleman. I wanted to stick to my one player per year rule without repeating players in the project. Here is what I had to move around:

1951 - received Coleman (previously had him in 1957)
1957 - replaced Coleman with Bobby Shantz
1958 - replaced Shantz with Gil McDougald
1960 - replace McDougald with Ditmar


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