
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The DoonDiscs are here! The DoonDiscs are here!

When my DoonDiscs arrived, I ran to the mailbox with more enthusiasm than this guy when the new phonebooks arrived:

I had been eagerly awaiting my shipment of DoonDiscs, and my lackluster performance blogging over the past month truly called for it. I have been suffering from a lack of energy, lack of inspiration, and overall lack of time. One DoonDisc changed that. I'm not sure what would happen if I used two. I don't even want to know. The FDA definitely would not approve.

Also included was this sweet Derek Jeter die cut card. It was my, "But wait! Call now and receive a free gift!" bonus. Oh, and Derek Jeter is now 1,000 hits behind Pete Rose. Interesting, no?

Doon, thank you for the shipment. I will be ordering more for my family around Christmas-time.


  1. Has the FDA or surgeon general ruled on these discs. They seem fairly potent. Hope there are no side effects not yet identified!

  2. Any post that references The Jerk is a winner, DoonDiscs or not.

  3. I'm somebody!

    I'm wearing a Doon Disc right now.

  4. I'm glad I could save your life. I know you didn't say or even imply that I saved your life, but I'm glad I did anyway.

  5. Oh, and Jaybarkerfan, there are tons of side effects. We are just covering them up at the moment until I can get moved to Mexico.

  6. I just read that the banned substance that Bartolo Colon tested positive for was DoonDiscs.
