
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Helloooo everybody!

Helloooo everybody! Especially you, Napkin Doon.

I’m not going to really explain what I’ve been doing the past few months. I’m sure you all have a time when family, work, life, hurricanes, etc. interfere with maintaining your blog or keeping up with the hobby. I never intended to fully go away, and I don’t consider the blog to be dead…just a bit dormant.

Anyhow, I’ve gotten a few cards in the mail lately (including a 1953 Topps Rizzuto), and even some old TTMs have trickled in, so I spent some time scanning a few cards that I’ll share in the next few days.

While I have been away, one thing has remained constant. Wes, aka Jaybarkerfan, is still probably the most generous blogger out there. At a time when it had been months since I got a new card, a box showed up in my Hoboken residence chock full of Yankee cards, as well as Tino cards. Then a few weeks later, a plain white envelope showed up, once again from Wes, with a few Yanks. At a time when I needed some inspiration, he sent it along.

It would take far too long to scan all the cards, so I picked out a few of my favorites. Wes, thanks for always thinking of me. Roll Tide!

As for the rest of you, hope you’ve all been well. Wishing you the best of luck with your 2013 collecting goals.


  1. So glad to see you post my friend! Happy 2013 to you and the family!

  2. Glad to see the "Lost Collector" pop up on my blogroll again!

    Good to have you back!

  3. Good to see the Lost Collector has found his way back. We missed you AJ.

  4. Welcome back AJ. Hope you and the family have a great 2013!

  5. I second what Nick said - good to see a blog show back up with a new post after far too long.

  6. Welcome back! Hope everybody's ok after the hurricane. I moved from North Jersey to Chicago 1 month before it hit, so I feel kind of lucky but kind of guilty, too.

  7. Welcome back, the empire missed you ;).

  8. AJ!

    Welcome back - hope the family is doing well and headed for a grand time in 2013!

  9. Just kidding, great to see you back brotha!
