
Friday, March 21, 2014

My mother-in-law has a LCS, and I don't.

A few weeks ago, some of you might remember that I tweeted about visiting a LCS near my mother-in-law’s house. My wife and her mother and aunts were going out to lunch, and I said I’d go out on my own. Spend some quality “me” time. I figured I’d go get a nice sandwich and take my time moseying around.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I googled “baseball cards” just to see if any nearby hits came up. Lo and behold, a store popped up just 4 miles away!

So I hopped in the card and drove to a small mall. I grabbed a sandwich at a nearby deli, then headed over the shop, Hall of Fame Card in Potomac, MD. I think there is a rule that every other shop has to be named “Hall of Fame Cards.”

Inside, there were cards, and a lot of other items for sale…jerseys, shirts, etc. I mulled around for a bit. Fairly typical pricing…packs and singles were a bit expensive. There definitely was a nice selection of vintage in the display cases. I really wish there were dime or quarter boxes, but I didn’t discover anything. There were grab bags, but they didn't look too promising. Singles were sorted into boxes by teams, and all Yankees were at least $.50, and that was just for a common. If it was a bigger name, it was a least a buck or two. I was a little bummed about that.

I did venture over to the Yankees vintage box and picked up the two cards below. I’m sure I could have found them cheaper online, but I wanted to give the guy some business and not walk away empty handed. The owner was nice and engaging with everyone who came in, and I was happy to see such a steady flow of customers. He has a great location right near McDonalds and a karate studio, so kids were around.
That is my first Post card. I was having trouble deciding between Maris and Yogi, and both were same price and condition. Ultimately, I chose Rog. The Stengel is a card I've wanted for a long time, so I was happy to snag that.

I’ll definitely going back since it’s better than just sitting around when I visit the in-laws.


  1. Those are a couple of sweet cards.

  2. Probably better off that place didn't have awesome prices. Your wife may begin to wonder why you are wanting to visit your mother in law 4 times a week.

  3. What kind of sandwich did you get?

    1. I was curious about this too. I'm sort of craving a nice hot pastrami right this second. Oh... sweet Maris and Stengel pickups.
