
Saturday, January 10, 2015

It's like having my own micro card shop!

A few weeks ago, Daniel from It's Like Having My Own Card shop posted a few vintage card lots he was giving away. They were beat up, but I love any and all vintage, so I claimed one.

Daniel wasn't lying. They are beat up, but they are also awesome. There were a lot of fun vintage cards in the lot.
But wait, there's more. Daniel also was nice enough to send some SWEET 1992 Topps Micro cards! I won't lie, I've ALWAYS loved Topps Micro. My friend used to have the complete sets, and I was so damn jealous. They are literally the exact cards as the regular sized ones, just very teeny tiny. How tiny? Check it out.
There was also this sweet Mattingly micro gold, which I think a few came with each complete factory set.
And if that wasn't enough, Daniel also added a Tino that I didn't have! Great package all around. Thanks, Daniel!


  1. Glad you liked the cards! I know I got a package from you as a thank you, which wasn't needed, but after seeing this I realized I don't think I posted about it. I think I must have already filed the cards away. Sorry, but I did appreciate the cards you sent in return.
