
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Grin and Berra it

Oops. It’s been a week since I posted. I’m a bit busy, as well as uninspired right now, but I don’t feel guilty or anything about not posting more. It’s my blog. I can take off as many days as I want. I'm more saying that to make myself feel better.

I did want to share this vintage Yogi Berra I picked up the other day. I put in a super low (and I mean lowwww) bid on eBay for it, and was surprised to see that I won it.

I like picking up beat-up vintage for a cheap price. Sometimes I wonder if I should pass up buying cheap vintage, save my money, and then buy a nicer vintage card. Maybe. But I like having an assortment, and beat up vintage allows me to do that.

It'll go nicely with my other two Yogi cards:


  1. Nice pickup! You've got a solid Berra collection coming together now!

  2. I only have one Berra myself and would like more.
    Good strategy you have there

  3. You're still posting more than me. ;) Beat up Berras are better than no Berras at all.

  4. Yogi would approve! Super additions to your collections. I wouldn't be emberrassed to own them! ;)

  5. Based on that Twit-pic you tweeted a while back I was expecting an appearance from Lindgren and for the title to be "Gren & Berra It."

    Regardless, awesome Yogis.

  6. Nothing wrong with beat up vintage. Great card!

  7. Don't you love when you win cards for such a low price on ebay? I'm also a huge Yankees fan, and a new follower!
