
Friday, February 10, 2017

The Lost Collector Turns 6!

It's hard to believe, but this small little blog of mine turns six today. Outside of a bit of a lull in the Fall of 2012, I've consistently made 200 blog entries per year. While not daily, one every other day or so isn't bad, even when 95% of them are "hey, look what I got" posts.

It's funny. In my first year of blogging, I did 546 posts. That's absurd. See, I follow a couple of sports blogs closely, and I thought that I needed to do at least three posts per day, as some of my favorites do. That was downright silly and impossible to achieve, and I quickly learned to pace myself. Those blogs have thousands of readers and several staff writers. I was just dumb thinking that was the necessary formula to be successful.

I wish I had some better kept records, like amount of trade packages in or out, total numbers of TTMs, total times Napkin Doon did something outlandish, total cards JBF has sent me, total Zappings, etc. While I can't do that, I can say that my collection has grown in ways I could have never imagined, and I've gotten cards - mostly from you guys - I would have never thought possible.

Regardless, thank you for stopping by these last few years. It's been a blast, and I plan to keep going as long as it's still interesting to me.


  1. Happy anniversary! Been reading since mid-2014.

  2. Congratulations on your achievement! Six years is pretty darn impressive.

  3. 546 posts in one year?!? That is an unsustainable pace for sure. 200 is a good number, and so is 6 years. Congrats!

  4. Wow, a lot of card bloggers started at this time. Happy 6th!

  5. I'm still trying to catch you, but as hard as I try my blog is about two months younger than yours.
    Congrats on the blogoversary!

  6. Congrats on six years! It's always an enjoyable read. Here's to many more!

  7. Congrats on this milestone, keep up the good work !!

  8. 6 years and still rocking!! Well done AJ.

  9. Congrats on #6. Always enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the great work.

  10. Congratulations! 546 posts that inaugural year was very impressive. Keep up the great work. Here's to another six years!
