
Sunday, August 11, 2019

A king-like PWE

Of all the card packages that find their way to me, the unexpected PWE is my favorite.

Sure, a bubble mailer full of cards usually yields some awesome results, but there's just something about that PWE!

The latest came from Colbey over at Cardboard Collections. It looks like he broke some 2019 Diamond Kings, and sent me six Yanks that he scored:
Overall, I like these designs a lot. The DK cards over the last few years are all starting to blend together at this point, but year in and year out they put out a nice, solid product that doesn't get much love because of the lack of logos. I thought the set this year looked a little better than they have the past couple.

I bought one fat pack of these this year, but getting six Yanks in one shot is awesome!

Thanks, Colbey!


  1. If I had to buy any Panini baseball product... it'd be Diamond Kings.

  2. I have always liked Diamond Kings, but this year's set didn't appeal to me as much as past years have.
