
Monday, December 27, 2021

A little post-Christmas red & green

I hope everyone was able to have a safe and healthy Christmas. Mine was extremely quiet compared to what was planned. I was supposed to travel a few hours away to spend the holiday with my parents and siblings. However, a few tested positive for COVID-19 a few days prior, causing us to stay home and have a small little family Christmas. While it was nice and slow, I did miss being with my larger family.

As for the big day, I didn't get any cards for Christmas, although to be fair, I didn't ask for any either. There's just nothing out there I really want or care to open right now.

I haven't been buying or trading much the last few months. It's not uncommon for me lately to spend less than $10 a month on cards on Ebay. For example, in November I spent $6.66 total on cards on eBay, including shipping. It's kind of liberating.

However, in December my total jumped to $18.44, as I bought three cards during the month. Only one of them was a baseball card:
A nice 2012 Elite Extra autograph of Ty Hensley with green ink. This card is numbered 05/10, and set me back $7.88 including shipping. While I probably paid more on shipping than on the card, it was a Hensley I didn't have, which don't pop up much any more. Therefore, I'm likely to overspend, even if I'm the only market for such a card.

The green autograph looks nice against the red background, forming an inadvertent Christmas-colored card. This card brings me to 126 unique Hensley cards. I'll always pick up his cards when a new one arises.

It'll be quiet around here over the next few weeks, so I'll take this moment to wish you all a very Happy New Year!


  1. Merry Christmas. We also had a much quieter holiday than normal. Such is the norm this year. Fingers crossed next year will be better.

  2. Hope everyone has recovered or is on the mend. My Christmas plans changed the day of because of an upset stomach. Still was able to zoom with the big family... and eat delicious leftovers yesterday.

  3. only 152 more Hensley cards and you'll have them all.

  4. Nice card.. I always cool to see autos with anything other than boring ol' blue or black ink.

    Looks like Ty didn't pitch in 2021, huh? Bummer. Wonder if he'll give it another go next year or call it a career.

  5. I wish more cards would be signed with green ink, as it just looks cool.

  6. My family and I had a quiet Christmas, too. Nothing wrong with that except I wasn't able to see my mom. Next weekend, hopefully.

    That Ty Hensley auto is very sharp! Festive, too :)

  7. I love these cards with the green ink! Upper Deck also used green ink in their USA Baseball products in the mid 2000s, maybe 2004 was the first year. These Donruss Elite sets have so many great college baseball cards. Not as flashy as some of the more recent Panini brands with college cards, but they had a larger checklist.
