
Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Brock for my little tot

I have found that I need little projects to keep me engaged in the hobby. I'm not a set builder, so I have to get creative. That's why there is my Topps Yankees Project, my Rizzuto vintage collection, and a new project that I just came up with.

I have a 13-month old son. He's an animal. A complete beast. And he's awesome. I will never force cards on him, but I do want to build a collection for him. Plus, one day mine will be his. I've put a couple cards aside for him - a Jeter rookie, a few relics that fellow collectors have sent me specifically for him, and a binder full of Yankee dupes that I have.

One other thing I want to do is start acquiring vintage cards of Hall of Famers. I'm not going to go after every Hall of Famer, but some of the more popular guys to play, such as Koufax, Gibson, Clemente, Aaron, etc. Name brand players. I'll eventually create a targeted player list.

Here is my first pick up for the project, a 1973 Topps Lou Brock. Pretty sweet card. Weird buying cards of non-Yanks. Very liberating.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea- even if he's not into cards it will be a neat thing to pass on.
