
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Random TTM: Tim Salmon

I'm having trouble finding the time to do some posts about recent trades and acquisitions. For those who are unaware, my wife and I are expecting baby #2 (a girl!), due on April 28. So between doctor's appointments, prepping for the addition, looking after Joey, work, life, everything else, I've got a huge stack of bubble mailers just waiting to be scanned and written about.

Back in middle school, I used to send out a few TTMs. I'd read about through-the-mail autograph collecting in Beckett or SI for Kids, and once in awhile I'd steal a few stamps from my dad's desk and send out some requests.

One of the better ones I got back at the time was from Tim Salmon of the California Angels. I sent this cool Fleer Ultra insert card, which looks pretty hippy trippy nowadays. It was foily and flashy, and as a middle schooler, there weren't many cards cooler than Fleer Ultra inserts.
The signature stuck well and looks great.


  1. First congrats. We are expecting our first in a few days actually. Then Ah man, I was all excited this was a recent TTM. I would love to send Tim a request, still might, there was no one hotter back in the early 90's. Puig prospectors beware!

  2. Congratulations on your second soon-to-be child!

    And nice retro-success :).
