
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Two new Ty Hensley autos

Aside from my TTM successes from Ty Hensley, I picked up two really nice Ty Hensley certified autographs.

The first might be my favorite Hensley yet. It's a 2012 Bowman Sterling Refractor Auto and is #'d /199. I won this for super cheap on eBay. I actually forgot I bid, and was pleasantly surprised when I got the email. I have the non-refractor version of this as well. It's a very sharp looking card. I like it more than the blue non-refractor version.
Next up, some unlicensed goodness. Ty must've signed a ton of cards for Leaf, as he's got a bunch of autos in their sets that I'm trying to acquire. I've got a ways to go! This particular card is from 2012 Leaf Draft.

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