
Saturday, February 27, 2016

A rare Platinum Refractor

We all have cards that haunt us. No matter how hard we look, we either can't find it, or the price isn't right.
There was an ebay seller that kept listing this card, and he wouldn't budge. I best offer'd a few times, but we just couldn't quite agree.

Finally, I gave up. I would still see it pop up on my feed, but the price was stagnant. It clearly was just auto-relisting.

Then one day, it appeared, but with a BIN that was lower than what I was offering for my best offer, and by a few bucks to boot. I pounced, and finally brought home a rare 2013 Bowman Platinum Chrome Platinum (yes, Platinum twice) Refractor. It's really a striking card, and is numbered to just 10 copies.

Outside of a few 1/1s, this is one of my rarest Ty Hensley cards, and certainly one of the most attractive due to the platinum foil effect.