
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Hayes has room...Hayes makes the catch!

“…Swung on and popped up again off third. Hayes has room. Hayes makes the catch! Yankees win. Theeee Yankeeeees win! The New York Yankees have won the 1996 World Series!” – John Sterling

I’ve heard that call many, many times over the past 20 years. It’s one of my favorite baseball memories: seeing the Yankees win the 1996 World Series. I was a seventh grader at the time, but I still remember that night well, including being over at my friend Pat’s house.

The moment above was luckily immortalized in his 1997 Upper Deck card.
While I didn’t know much about the 2016 Archives 65th Anniversary set, I was happy to see Hayes had an autograph. I can’t imagine many folks would be thrilled with pulling this card as their auto given that it’s selling for about $2-$3, but I couldn’t snatch one up fast enough. Although this photo isn't from the '96 moment, it's still neat that he's catching pop up.
The lot I purchased also had a green bordered back parallel #’d to 150, as well as a base card. Not bad to pick up a few of these at once. 


  1. Awesome cards. I'm hoping his son can make a World Series winning catch forthe Piratea one day.

  2. Love seeing history being immortalized on sports cards. Upper Deck had the right idea back in the day when they would write captions on the front of their cards.

  3. One of the worst moments of my childhood.. =(

  4. Loved this guy when he was a Rockie! He made the final home field out of the inaugural 1993 season in almost identical fashion.
