
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Cards from Twitter

It's always surprising when someone reaches out via email or Twitter and wants to send me (or my son) some cards. This happened recently on Twitter, when Jonathan from @ABucnCaniac sent me a DM offering to send a few HOFers for Joey.

It was very generous and appreciated. Here are the cards I've added to Joey's HOF binder. I still have to ingrain it in my brain that Biggio is a HOFer.
Jonathan also included a few Yankees for me, including this Jeter insert. I better snag it for myself before I have to add a bunch of Jeters to the HOF binder in a few years.
Thanks so much, Jonathan. Go give him a follow at @ABucnCaniac.


  1. I don't understand how Twitter works, but nice cards

  2. Love it...I've had a couple of nice pickups off Twitter in the last couple of weeks.
