
Monday, November 20, 2017

Scribbled Ink is the best ink

A few weeks ago, Paul over at Paul's TTM Blog held a contest to rename his blog. The results?

Scribbled Ink.

Awesome! My lame name suggestion was something like "Paul's Card and TTM Blog". Really, me? Shocking that wasn't the winner.

Paul was cool enough to send me a batch of Yankees for participating. One of the neatest was this Bill Hayes autograph. I have a bit more to say on this and will save it for a future post.

I was also given my first batch of Topps Fire. Not sure if I'm in the minority or not, but I like these a lot. Probably because they feel like they are from the '90s. The Rizzuto is a gold parallel.
Mattingly cards were sweet. He always had great poses on cardboard.
Every time I come across this Andy Pettitte, I wonder what's he doing. I assume charting pitches or scouting reports of some sort.
Early Bernie images make me laugh. It's as if Dwight Shrute ended up being a multiple-time All-Star and World Series winner.
I won't lie, I'm glad this guy is back for the next three years.
And a few more of the guys I collect.
Paul, thanks for the great package. Best of luck at Scribbled Ink!


  1. I like the Fire cards just because they at least look different. I saw one person on Twitter said they look too "kiddish." He was rightfully roasted by many people saying that everything should not be hit oriented.

  2. I had never thought Dwight when I saw old school Bernie. I do now. Thanks.

  3. That blog always flew under the radar for me. Glad to now be aware of it!
