
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Getting the boot

John of Johnny's Trading Spot had been running some weekly white elephant Big Fun Games. I was set to participate in one two Fridays ago.

I wasn't paying attention on Friday night, and I lost my window to pick. I missed by 10 minutes. Harsh, but John needed to keep the game moving. And as keeper of the game, his rules need to be adhered to.

So while I missed out, John still sent me a PWE. I'm not sure if this was a participation trophy, or if this was an unclaimed prize.
A couple cards for HOF binder in Winfield, Piazza, and Bagwell. Not bad at all! I always liked Pacific Private Stock.

Thanks, John. Sorry I missed my turn!


  1. Bagel? Were you a victim of autocorrect?

  2. Unclaimed or consolation... either way... it was very cool of him to send you some cards. That Bagwell is cool. And even though I'm not the biggest fan of the 1999 Topps flagship design... that action shot of Piazza is fantastic.
