
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

New blog on the block!

I came across a new blog on the block - Card Hemorrhage - and wanted to do a quick post to help get Jay a few more readers. Love the blog name! Jay is a Giants fan and has a few collections going at this time, as he has transitioned from set collecting to player collecting.

And speaking of new, here's a new Tino I just got from ClarkDubya on TCDB. I hadn't seen base cards from 1996 Leaf Signature Series before. You never know what's going to pop up!
Go give Jay a follow!


  1. Really appreciate the shout-out...! I'll be on the lookout for some rare Tinos for ya in return.

  2. Always happy to add another card blog to my reading list.

  3. Thanks for the lead on the new blog! I'm adding him to my list o'Blogs in a second...
