
Saturday, December 12, 2020

A Ginter I can get on board with

Although it's my least favorite product of the year, I've bough a bunch of Allen & Ginter singles the past two years due to Tino Martinez's inclusion in the set. It's easy: grab the cards I want and move on with my life. No need to harp on the fact that the designs are getting worse or that the checklist is not appealing. 

Recently Topps issued Allen & Ginter Chrome for some unknown go along with Allen & Ginter go along with plain boring Ginter. Do we need three issues of Ginter? Nope!

But I have to say, out of all three versions, this is by far the prettiest. The Tino cards started popping up over the past week, so I've grabbed a few here. The first arrived, and it's a beauty:
The green refractor (/99) looks great. I'm not sure if it's because it helps elevate the existing bland design, or if it's because green refractors on a fairly blank canvas have an appealing aesthetic. I also like how it fades from green to white. 

I thought it was clever how Topps took the shadow behind "Allen & Ginter" and made it a rainbow foil. I didn't like this shadow on the flagship A&G cards, but I appreciate that they didn't just leave it gray. It was a subtle, yet attractive addition.
I'll have a few more parallels coming in. And while this may be a very unnecessary set, the cards sure do look nice.


  1. I haven't had a chance to do anything with this set yet, but I like the looks of these cards. Very nice looking Tino.

  2. Yeah, looks nice. I'll have to track down some similar examples of guys I collect.

  3. Agreed, 3 issues of A&G is more than necessary. The green Tino does look good though.

  4. I'm building the regular A&G set... but that's where I draw the line. And I wouldn't have even started down that rabbit hole if it weren't for a generous gift that got me more than half way there.

    That being said... it's something for player and team collectors to chase and as you stated... they're pretty. I'm sure if I found some Gwynns at the right price, I'd grab them too.

  5. The greeniness of the cards makes me think it's a Mariners card. I have really very little interest in this set/brand myself, but it's a necessary evil to get the one or two cards for the PC. So, I feel your pain.

  6. Ooh, that's a good looking card right there! This is the first time I'm seeing these, and now want one, provided there's anyone I collect on the checklist (I haven't looked).

  7. Gotta say I do actually like these....thanks for letting me know. Now I'm going to have to grab MY cards from it (Giants) and move on.
