
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Thanks for the ride

Today is my blog's 11th anniversary.

It's also my last post.

I've been thinking about this for some time, but it has become increasingly clear to me over the past year that I need to close this chapter of my collecting life.

I'm a much different person at a very different stage of my life than when I started this little venture, and I've felt myself growing more and more distant from running this blog over the last few years. New cards have come in, and it has started to feel like more of a hassle to scan and show them. This blog has always been a bit more of a show-and-tell, and I've always been fine with that. Some have a lot more to say and frown on 'show and tell', and that's all well and good. But the reason I started this blog was because I didn't really have anyone to show off my new cards and share what I got in the constant flow of bubble mailers stuffed into my Manhattan apartment's small PO box. In a sense, the blog served as critical outlet when I started collecting cards again. No longer did cards just arrive in the mail, get glanced at once, and then stored away in some box. It was a crucial step in my self-help journey to enjoy my '90s inserts just a little bit more.

Life has changed too. I started this blog four apartments ago, three jobs ago, two kids ago, one wife ago. A lot has happened to me over my eleven years on here! The most important years of my life. Marriage. Kids. Homeownership. Job switches and promotions. I was just a young pup when I started this, without obligations other than myself and with a hell of a lot less responsibility. Frankly, life is busier now, despite working 95% of the time from home. Work is more chaotic with a higher stakes role that needs more of my attention. My kids are playing multiple sports and require more rides, more practices, more games, and more of my time. And I choose them. Easy one.

Sure, lots of excuses above. One after another. But in the precious free time I have, scanning and writing a little thoughtless post about cards really isn't what I want to do. It's among the same reasons I no longer care to write TTM letters to strangers. In my free time, I'd rather spend it other ways.

I'm not giving up collecting or put off by the current state of the hobby. Far from it. And I still plan to read the blogs that I most enjoy, as well as hang around on Twitter and on TCDB.

And who knows, maybe I'll be back. Maybe I won't. Perhaps I'll drop in a post down the road if something extradorinaiy happens or if I just want to say hi. But I'm not counting on it.

The blog was a big part of my life for more than a quarter of it, which sounds weird to say. But the time has come to move on and not have the site hang over my head as something that needs to be maintained. I did it for eleven years, and I'll leave the blog turned on and active while it collects dust before Blogger decides one day to no longer keep these tiny sites running, which is bound to happen given Google's lack of investment in the product. 

Lastly, I do genuinely thank you for reading, for trading, for sending unexpected cards, for taking cards off my hands, and for making collecting far more interesting for the past eleven years. It was fun, and I hope you all continue to enjoy collecting the way you want to do it...for you, not for someone else.

As the cranky Upper East Side card shop owner told me back in May of 2011, it's time for The Lost Collector to officially get lost. 

Take care, and thanks for the ride!


  1. Thanks for eleven years of posts and exchanging care packages. It's been a fun ride while it lasted. Glad to hear you're still going to be collecting. I'll continue to set aside any Tinos and Yankees for your collection. I'll miss reading your posts, but I totally understand switching gears and moving forward. Best of luck AJ!

  2. Good for you, do what makes the most sense for you. I've enjoyed the 11 years!

  3. Happy Anniversary, and thanks for letting us ride along with you. Enjoy blog-retirement!

  4. It's been great reading your blog. There aren't that many of us Yankee fans in this part of the collecting world. Happy to trade Yankee cards or any other cards with you any time!

    I poked my head in that shop once years ago. Yeah, that guy did seem cranky.

  5. One of my all time favorite pals! Always the best to you and the family! Enjoy retirement!

  6. Sorry to see my favorite blog of all time come to an end, but totally understand! Congrats on the 11 year journey and please stop telling Roger Clemens to follow me on twitter.

  7. Quitter! I get it...When I turned off Bobwalktheplank it was for almost the exact same reason. Enjoy retirement!!!

  8. Thanks for 11 great years and enjoy your newfound free time!

  9. Thank you for the fun posts over these many years. Congrats on making it 11 years! Be well, keep on collecting, and pop a post in from time to time!

  10. I'm sorry to see you go, but you have to do what's right for you and your life. Hope it works out well and that you and your family will have health and happiness.

  11. Happy trails, AJ! Your blog was always a fun read and I'll miss it. I know you've been hinting at this for a while, but still a bummer. Yeah, don't be afraid to pop back in when you've got something you need to show off with more than just a tweet. You're a good dude and I wish you the best in blogger retirement!

  12. A lot of trades back and forth between us over the years. What you listed at the top weren't excuses, they're life. Gotta live it brother. Best of luck to you, and I'm always around somewhere....

  13. If I had been as fortunate as you these past 11 years, I wouldn't be wanting to blog anymore either. In fact, I would've bounced much sooner. Enjoy your new found freedom... but don't be a stranger :)

  14. Being the new guy, it sounds like I missed out on 11 years of good blogging. Good luck with whatever comes next.

  15. Hope you have a good "retirement", with your collection and life continuing to grow and prosper. Thanks for 11 years!

  16. Happy trails. I have read your blog for many of those years as well. I know we haven't ever traded or really had much conversation in general, but i have enjoyed your posts and wish you all the best

  17. I've enjoyed reading your blog and I hope we'll see you around the blogs again. But I completely understand the need to re-prioritize your free time. Family comes first, and it sounds like you've got a lot of great things going on your life. I wish you all the best AJ!

  18. Sorry to see you go. We don't collect the same things for the most part so haven't had as much interaction with you as I have with other bloggers, but I still read regularly. Family, though, is totally more important, and I completely understand why you made the choice you did. I wish you and your family all the best into the future.

  19. Sad to see you go as well, it was a great read. I'll still be on the lookout for Tino's though...

  20. Funny how so many of us hit this same wall about the same time in life. And good for us. We'll all be back about the same time in life too, I am sure. See you then.

  21. Sorry to see you go! Completely understand the reasoning with family, kids, etc., but it always hurts when a blog that's been around for a long time shuts down. Don't be a stranger around here!

  22. Good reasons. I enjoyed reading your blog and will keep your feed on in case you write something in the future.

  23. A few days late but thanks for all the fun trades and posts throughout the years, it was fun while it lasted. Best of luck to you in the future.

  24. Really like the blog. You had a good run. Enjoy your retirement.
