Friday, February 12, 2021

10 years (and 2 days)

Two days ago, my blog's 10th anniversary came and went without a whimper. That was my fault. I had February 17th engrained in my head, but when I went to double-check yesterday, I realized I had actually missed it by a day. February 10, 2011 was the day.

I didn't have anything grand scheduled even if I did get the day right. To tell you the truth, it makes my slightly uncomfortable to think about doing this for 10 years. It's a bit of a secret part of my life that I don't really let people I know in real life in on. I also don't take it particularly seriously. This could be my last post and I'd be fine. 

With that being said, I don't want to minimize how much I've enjoyed collecting and sharing my collection with others over the last decade. My collection has grown so much and in such cool and unexpected ways. So has the hobby, and I've grown and adapted with it.

I often do still feel "lost," so I think my name still fits. Things come and go that inspire me, and rather frequently. Perhaps it's picking up 1990s NBA rookie cards one month, and then I move on from that and pick up the Yankees latest three draft picks. Thanks for that one, ZZ.
Or it's big bubble mailers to and from bloggers for years, and then eventually two-card PWEs from Trading Card Database.
One consistent is Tino Martinez, and here are the two latest from him, bringing me to 1,058.
Regardless, thank you so much for following along! I don't anticipate a "here's to the next 10," but let's go with "here's to keeping going as long as I am still enjoying it." That feels better.


  1. I think the real story is that you have enjoyed it enough to keep going for 10 years. That's some impressive consistency for feeling lost!

    Two sweet Tino's!

  2. Congrats on a significant anniversary! Your posts are always a fun read and I'll keep reading them as long as you're writing them!

  3. Well done, keep it up. Here's to the next 10+ years!

  4. Happy anniversary! Wow. A full decade of blogging is definitely something to celebrate. Congratulations!

  5. 10 is a BIG one, congrats AJ. I hope to keep seeing your posts!

  6. Happy anniversary! Outside of my immediate family, nobody else "in real life" knows about my card collecting.

  7. congrats on 10 years! think of everything that's happened in the last decade, and you've had this outlet that entire time. it's great!

  8. Happy blogiversary! I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll look forward to many more years of entertaining posts!

  9. Happy blogo-versary! A whole decade is no small feet!

  10. Congrats AJ. One of the first guys I traded with through the blogs. Proof Yankees and Redsox guys can get along

  11. Happy #10! Definitely enjoy the posts and here’s a toast to 10 more!

  12. Happy 10th blogoversary! Big congratulations on a huge milestone. btw, nice post!

  13. Congrats on 10 years of blogging. Here's to 10 more.

  14. Congratulations on 10 years. You're not the only one who feels lost sometimes.
