"Uncle" Martyn is one of my favorite collectors out there. He runs the blog I Collect Ball Cards from the UK, and is an overall good dude. Back when Joey was born, Martyn sent him a few relic cards "From Uncle Martyn", hence my blog post title.
We lost touch for a little bit, but Twitter re-connected us and we go back and forth from time to time. Martyn said he had a cool Pineda to send me, and he wasn't lying. Check out this beauty:
One cool thing about this card is that it's a palindrome card. It's numbered 26/62. I don't know why, but I find that cool.
Uncle Martyn also sent some stuff along for Joey since he just became a big brother. Stickers! World Cup stickers! Joey loves stickers...and I constantly find them on the bottom of my shoes. He usually peels them off and sticks them to his face. It's sort of funny and sort of weird. He did enjoy these though, although they are a bit tough for a two-year-old to peel off. I did save one unopened pack and put it in the pile of unopened packs I've been accumulating for Joey. They are mostly junk wax, but I'd love to give him a big box of unopened stuff one day, no matter when it's from. He'll enjoy seeing what it was like to open cards in the '80s and '90s, since when he's older, they will probably have flying cards and all that.
Martyn gave two packs of Match Attax too, which are the Barclays Premier League equivalent of Baseball Attax. They are cool cards, and we pulled two inserts that are X-Fractor like.
Martyn, thanks again man!

I collected baseball cards from the late '80s through 2002. Then I went to college and when I came out, I was lost. There were too many brands, sets, choices, relics, autos, parallels, variations. It was a turn off. However, I slowly made my way back. So here is my attempt to venture back into the hobby. I'll buy a few packs of cards here and there, comment on some cards I have, send out some TTMs, and follow the progress of my Topps Yankees Project.
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