Monday, May 16, 2011

Trade Review: RBI Collecting and Tomahawk Chopping

Usually I try to give each trade their own posts, but since both of these deals were pretty tiny (but helpful!), I figured I'd lump them together.

Ryan from RBI Collecting helped trim my Heritage want list by sending me this Russell Martin card. This is my third Russ Martin Yankees card - the first was the Topps team set card, the second was GQ. I sent Ryan a Gypsy Queen Kendry Morales card for the Martin.

Derek from Tomahawk Chopping and I completed an equally small trade. I don't even really think it was a trade - it was just us sending each other cards at about the same time. It was more along the lines of a card on his want list for two cards on mine. I sent him a Justin Verlander Gypsy Queen (supposedly it's a short print?) for two Yanks that I needed - Maris and Ruth.

Thanks for the help, guys!

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