The other day I got home from work, and there was a bubble mailer waiting for me from Marcus over at All The Way To The Backstop. We didn't have a deal in the works, so Marcus just decided to drop a few Yanks on me. it actually works out well because I have a growing stack of Padres to send him.
Regardless, there were some sweet cards in there. My favorite is easily this 1993 Upper Deck Derek Jeter rookie, which I did not have. I believe I know have the Topps, Pinnacle, and now this Upper Deck in terms of Jeter rookies. Oh, and my two-year-old has his SP Foil rookie. I'm not jealous or anything. But I only have three Jeter rooks? That's not very impressive of me.
I have an irrational love for Orange Refractors. Must be the Syracuse in me. I didn't have this one either. I keep saying that I must have 500 unique Jeters. I'm going to count one of these days because I have to know.
This might be my favorite Thurman Munson card. I'm pretty positive that whoever he is glaring at peed their pants out of fear. I know I did.
Am I the only one who likes these Pinnacle cards? Maybe, but I don't care.
This is as close as I'll ever get to a 1953 Mantle, so it'll have to do. It's still sweet.
And let's round it out with a bunch of lefties. Two of the winningest Yankees lefty starters of the last few years, and an all-time fan favorite lefty first baseman. The All-Star Fan Fest card is awesome.
Marcus, thank you sir. You'll have a return stack of Pads in the next few days.

I collected baseball cards from the late '80s through 2002. Then I went to college and when I came out, I was lost. There were too many brands, sets, choices, relics, autos, parallels, variations. It was a turn off. However, I slowly made my way back. So here is my attempt to venture back into the hobby. I'll buy a few packs of cards here and there, comment on some cards I have, send out some TTMs, and follow the progress of my Topps Yankees Project.
Glad you liked 'em! That foil Jeter RC is a nice one, your kid's collection is going to have way more HOFers in it than mine.